9, N C Choudhury Road, Kolkata - 700042, India
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 09.00 PM
+91 90510 88285
Our Service

INTELLECTUS Empowering Careers provides a bouquet of services for the Corporates

  • Planning and preparation for management audits
  • Identifying the proposed audit methodologies and tools
  • Conducting a brief organizational culture audit if required
  • Blue-print for identification and collection of the required data and documents for analyzing an organization's HR policies, practices, and procedures. The goal is to ensure that these align with the organization's strategy and purpose.
  • The audit process typically includes the following steps:
  • Planning: Define the audit's scope, timeline, and resources
  • Data collection: Gather data through interviews, surveys, document reviews, and observations
  • Analysis: Identify areas of strength and weakness in the HR function
  • Reporting: Present the audit results to the organization's leadership, along with recommendations for improvement
  • Our Service

    Employee Satisfaction Survey

    An employee satisfaction survey is a process that measures the contentment level of personnel regarding the various components of their job. INTELLECTUS has the necessary expertise to conduct a seamless employee satisfaction survey and construction of employee happiness index for the client organization that can be presented for “BEST PLACE TO WORK FOR” certification by the client organization

    CSR Impact Assessment

    A CSR Impact Assessment is a systematic evaluation of a company's social responsibility (CSR) activities and initiatives. It measures the effects of these activities on stakeholders, the environment, and the company itself. The assessment helps companies understand their social responsibility performance and identify areas for improvement.

    Benefits of a CSR Impact Assessment include:

  • Accountability and transparency: Helps build trust with stakeholders and improve corporate reputation
  • Continuous improvement: Helps identify areas for improvement and ensure CSR efforts are aligned with business goals
  • Multidimensional reporting: Analyzes a company's output, CSR outcomes, and impact
  • Identifying business value: Helps companies identify areas where they can create business value using CSR activities
  • A CSR Impact Assessment can measure a variety of dimensions, including:

  • Social issues like livelihood, health, education, culture, heritage, and lifestyle
  • Economic issues
  • Environmental issues
  • Community impacts
  • The frequency of CSR Impact Assessments depends on the project:

  • One-time project: An impact assessment should be conducted after the project is completed
  • Ongoing project: An impact assessment should be conducted after the project is completed
  • Upscaled or renewed programs: An impact assessment should be conducted every year.
  • Competency Mapping and competency framework design

  • In the light of a rapidly changing workplace, companies have finally come to realize the organizational value of a full-fledged Competency Mapping Exercise to not only stay ahead, but deliver superior “VALUE” to all its “STAKE HOLDERS.”
  • Competencies are those underlying characteristic required for performing a given task, activity, or role successfully and are considered as competency. Competency may take the following forms: Knowledge, Attitude, Skill and other characteristics of an individual including: Motives, Values, Self-concept etc.
  • However, there are many definitions of Competency, a simplest one among them is:
  • “Competency for a job can be defined as a set of human attributes that enable an employee to meet and exceed expectations of his internal as well as external customers and stake holders.”
  • Competencies may be grouped in to various areas. In classic article published a few decades ago in Harvard Business Review Daniel Katz grouped those under three areas, which were later expanded in to the following four: Technical, Managerial, Human and Conceptual. This is a convenient classification and a given competency may fall into one or more areas and may include more than one from.
  • The Competency Assessment Form that follows from here on describes behavioral indicators for each of element of competency. The behaviors selected for the instrument are the ones that can be identified in the interviews and are not included in Assessment Instrument. The Form indicates relative importance of the behavioral indicators for the particular competency.

    COMPETENCY BASED ASSESSMENT CENTRE for identifying executives with high potential. For this purpose, behavioral and emotional intelligence competency assessment in association with HR departments of the organization may to be done. After competency identification is done, a table showing available competencies with the executives is to be prepared (in the manner exhibited subsequently) and those displaying above a benchmark score have to be identified.

    The identified individuals would be then trained through case studies, management games and in basket exercises. Adventure based exercises for team building may be done. We propose the following value-additions from our side: INTELLECTUS team would help you streamlining your identified competencies as per the Harvard model of Daniel Katz and then deciding on the Behavioral Indicators (BI) of each competency to enable more accurate measurement during assessment center activities. Firstly, the competencies may be classified as according to the model mentioned above in the following order: The competencies identified during your COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT PHASE need to be differentiated as CRITICALCOMPETENCIES and SUPPORTING COMPETENCIES AND THEN CLASSIFIED AS PER SENIORITY REQUIREMENT.


    Leader is responsible for devising organization response to external as well as internal requirements, threats, and opportunities.

    Manager is responsible for planning and coordination for implementation of the response devised or facilitated by the leader.

    Executive is responsible for implementing the organizational programs and activities as planned by the manager.



    a. Further breaking down of competencies into Behavioral Indicators (BI)For example, you have identified ‘Decision making ability’ as key competencies which may be further analytically broken down as follows:

    DEFINITION: DECISION MAKING (INDICATIVE LIST): Competency of DECISION MAKING is defined as the set of Human Attributes required to deice the course of action under any given situation.


    b. The two-day Assessment Centre would involve the following:

    • i. Leaderless activities and Management Games (Pfeiffer accredited standardized activities would be followed)
    • ii. Behavioural Analytic tools and psychometric profiling of candidates (level 5 instruments only)
    • iii. Decision Making and simulation activities.
    • iv. Role Play Exercises/Case analysis and projective methods
    • v. Behavioural Event interviewing by expert panel

    Psychometric Assessment for selection

    INTELLECTUS provide unparaled expertise in the area of psychometric mapping through involvement of psychoanalytic tools that study people’s unconscious drives to predict their behavioural patterns. The psychoanalytic theoretical approach to the study of personality emphasizes unconscious motivation as the main cause of behavior that lies buried in the unconscious mind.


    1. To identify the talent capital of workforce and cluster the employees as per the following, depending on their behavioral analytics report for identification of hidden potential and specify behavioral and attitudinal training interventions for them. The following classification of human resources as specified by ‘Odiorne Matrix’ would be possible for employees in the following manner:


    Training and Development in areas as: HRM, Leadership, Organizational Development (OD), Transport Logistics.

    How do you measure Employee Performance after Training?

    Measuring employee performance after training is essential to determine the effectiveness of the training program and ensure that employees are using the skills and knowledge they have learned. A few ways to measure employee performance after training:

  • Continuous Feedback
  • Objectives and Key Results – OKRs
  • 360-Degree Reviews